Common foods have a big influence on your bones. Normal levels of protein for example, do not affect bone calcium, but I do know now that some forms of purified protein do cause calcium loss, Notably, case-in-point, lactalbumin, and egg whites that are commonly used in meal replacement drinks, can seriously deplete your calcium stores, if they are used as the main source of protein in your diet.
Very high protein intakes as used by many strength athletes, and by folk on those idiotic high protein diet plans, suck calcium out of your body like a sponge. So these folks should always be aware of their unique need for increased calcium intake. Salt also robs your bones. Our diet is spiked with twenty times the salt that occurs in natural food, and that is twenty times the salt required for optimal health. The sodium overload inhibits normal calcium metabolism in complex ways, all of which are detrimental to a wide range of bodily functions including blood pressure and bone formation. So ditch the salt cellar and the chips.
FIBER DOESNT HELP EITHER: High intakes of fiber dont rob your bones, but they do inhibit calcium absorption from the intestines. So when you take fiber for good health, as you should, always be aware that it increases your need for calcium.
WHAT ABOUT VEGETABLES: Numerous tables of calcium sources list spinach as one of the best, containing 120-150 mg of calcium per average serving. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! I've known for years that spinach also contains high levels of chemicals called oxalates, that completely bind the calcium so that not even a milligram can be absorbed. So spinach is useless. Much better are green cabbage, kale, broccoli, bok choy, dark green lettuces, seaweed greens, arame, hijki, and nori.
Other good food sources of calcium are salmon and sardines canned with bones, well-cooked soybeans, tofu, and soymilk. But most people dont get enough of them. The average calcium intake is way below the RDA of 800-1200 mg per day. Low RDA is not healthy.
Even if we did get sufficient calcium, its only a tiny piece of the bone puzzle. For the last 4 decades, the dominant medical advice, delivered with much pomp and pretension, has been: drink two large glasses of milk a day. That amount of milk contains 600mg of calcium and what could be more innocuous than milk- right? Wrong! For many folk, the medical advice to drink milk to prevent osteosporosis is self-serving bs!
How do I know? Simple. After decades of milk promotion, osteosporosis has become epidemic. Milk just doesnt do the trick.
Animal milk was designed by the miraculous hand that guides nature specifically for nourishing infant animals, not human adults. As we grow, we lose much of our ability to produce the enzyme lactase, which digests the lactose in milk.. Three out of every four American adults have some degree of lactose-intolerance they cant touch dairy foods without severe discomfort.
The biggest lifestyle problem in America today is couch potatoism. Its deadly to your bones. Bones are constantly remodeled throughout life in exact response to the stresses placed on them by activity. But not any old activity will do. Every day millions of old bone calls die off. In order to form new replacement cells, bones requires weight-bearing stress on each microsopic point where fibers of the bones matrix join together, much like the zig-zag connections of the griders of a bridge. Pressure on these stress points causes the essential electrochemical "sparks" that stimulate growth of new bone cells. No pressure, No sparks...NO BONE.
**Stay active, do not sit in the same spot and watch tv for more than one hour, you must move your limbs in order to keep them..dont use it and you'll LOSE IT!**