1. Lose no more than a half a pound of fat per week
2. Measure your bodyfat once a month.
3. Eat a low..low-fat diet.
4. Do not eat foods containing more than 20% fat calories.
5. Trust only the Nutrition Facts panel on foods.
6. Dont skip meals. Eat five small meals per day.
7. Cut the sugar, eat complex carbohydrates instead.
8. Avoid all fad diets.
9. Take a high quality multi-vitamin and multi-mineral everyday.
10. Use a chromium picolinate supplement everyday.
11. Use an l-carnitine supplement everyday.
12. Eat 40grams of mixed fibers everyday.
13. Take a flaxseed oil essential fatty acid supplement everyday.
14. Do high repetition, wide variety resistance exercise.
15. Do one set of each exercise with a weight that exhausts you in 20-25 repetitions.
16. Exercise in the mornings.
17. Exercise five mornings weekly for a minimum of thirty minutes.
18. Take a multiple anitoxidant everyday.
19. Use the right herbal fat-loss supplement.
20. Form specific, measurable, public, rewarded fat loss goals.