I'm speaking verbatim right now, no fancy rhetoric needed..
A lot of people are so unaware of what they're ingesting when it comes to meat and diary.
I was raised on it as many others, but at some point in your life you need to ask questions, not follow tradition. Most parents, mine included taught me what they were taught, my father eventually, opened me up to a whole new world of health, once he himself studied more on the subject.
In all seriousness these animals are severely distressed, they have a sense of what is going on around them. Just as stress can release toxins in human bodies and cause diseases/illness, same for animals. The stress causes for cancerous toxins to be released in the animal, which goes into the meat/and or diary we ingest daily.
These farmers have gotten so greedy, its killing us..literally. They put cows through a process called "artificial assimilation" which causes the cow's body to feel as though its pregnant. The cow then produces milk, the process the cow undergoes causes for the cow's body to release.."again" cancerous toxins..Why? because its not a natural process for the animal, its man-made, and harmful. When animals produce milk, it is to feed their young, not humans. Would a pregnant women give a calf her milk? Absolutely not, it would make the animal sick.
When a cancer patient is first diagnosed, the regimen given by the specialist is one of NON-DIARY diet. Why? Because Cancer can't live in an alkaline environment, meaning fruits, and vegetables. I have to admit, I've always been a cheese-lover, meat not so much, I am trying hard to find a substitute that will satisfy my craving for it. Read up on what I'm sharing with you don't just take my word for it.
Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, extremely inexpensive. It rids the body of mucus, incorporated with a clean diet, exercise and lots of water you can live a fulfilled life; physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Thanks for reading:)
An informative blog on nutrition, clean eating, mental health and healthy lifestyle choices for men & women. In less than 20 years the overweight population increased drastically, for adults as well as children obesity carries heavy consequences. The problem is so severe that some experts believe obesity will soon beat out smoking - if it hasn’t already as the number one preventable cause of death. I'm here to share my knowledge and resources to help close the gap of obesity in America.